Lauren on New Years Eve. Typical Lauren. She was rocking the glasses, crown and blow horn in typical Lauren style. The more flair the happier she is. And I love this about her. It is hard to get a "real" picture of her these days. If I go to take her picture she has to "pose" or act silly. I know I have and post more pictures of Hannah simply because 1)she is with me all the time and 2)she is still innocent in all the pictures. Never posing, just being Hannah. Which is my favorite kind of picture to take. And I know one of these days she too, will start posing.
Hannah eating her favorite thing in the world. A french fry. She isn't picky. Any french fry will do. She is our champion eater. She will eat any vegetable you give her, including raw broccoli. But man, does she love a french fry.
Audrey Nicole Shobe and Lauren. For those that don't know, Audrey is a family friend that I have known since the day she was born. She is 14 now (yeah I am getting old). I kept Audrey a lot when she was younger just because I loved her to pieces and loved spending time with her. Then she started school and those times get fewer and far between. But we got her over Christmas Break and it was fabulous. My girls have grown to love her just as I have. AND she is going to Disney with us in March! Yippeee!!!
And why is this picture in my Iphoto? Who knows! It is funny though. I don't even know this kid.
Watch out Taylor Swift, here comes Lauren. Yes she is singing her heart out here to either Tik Tok or Freak Out.. not sure which. She puts all her heart and soul into her singing. Don't get me wrong, she could use some vocal lessons ;), but the passion is certainly there.
Look at my Grandpa! Such a sweet, loving man. We lost Grandpa this past fall at the age of 91. He was wearing this wig of dreads because one of the grandkids had put it on him. We all loved it and he wore it the entire day! Miss you Grandpa!

Ahhh... what a glorious picture to look at on this snowy, cold day. Hannah and I on the beach on Lake Michigan this past summer. We love going to the beach with the kids in the summer and we do it often. As I sit here typing, Hannah is hanging onto me crying "I wanna go to the water mama, pease, pease!"

Awesome, Dori. Lauren is such a trip and Hannah is too cute for words. Great stuff!