Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the house.... in pieces

People keep asking me when I am going to post pictures of my new house. I keep trying to get around to it but to be honest, what keeps me from posting them? Remembering to take pictures when its actually clean enough to take a picture. I tell myself I am going to take pictures as soon as my wonderful cleaning lady leaves every other Monday and I forget every single time. I think its because I am usually numb from excitement that the whole house is clean. Because it is the ONLY time the whole has is clean. So you are going to get pictures of my house in doses... as I can get it clean AND remember to take a picture. ;) Enjoy!

First I give you, my kitchen. This was my baby of the house. I put so much thought and time into designing this kitchen. I didn't keep track but we easily had 15 revisions of this baby. And I have to say, it was worth every single minute. I love it and it is exactly what I wanted. :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

An Earth Day Project

Lauren had to do an earth day project for school last week. They had to make something using recyclable materials from home. After some brainstorming (and searching the internet ;) ) she decided on making the tin can herb garden. It was a lot of fun and she loved working on the project.. especially painting the cans! And to top it all off, she got second place in her class!!! WAY TO GO LAUREN!! The kid that got first place made a disco ball out of cd's. To which Jamie replied "who the heck recycles CD's?" Oh my!

Monday, April 18, 2011

guess who came to visit!!!! and our weekend in pictures

THE LANDSCAPERS!!!!! They came on Thursday and Friday of last week and I was overjoyed!!! Perfect timing since it has rained every single day since they laid the seed. It looks great. When it warms up a bit I have two rose bushes to plant out by the deck in back and some other flowers on the other side of the deck. We also need to enclose the play system in back with some timbers and order the pebble rock for that. Cannot wait for all that to be done. Then when we finally stop dipping below 50 degrees at night they can come paint my front door and garage trim!! I cannot wait!!

Maggie Moo came to visit last Thursday!!!! Her Grandma is out of time so we get to spend Thursdays with her while her mama is at work. Hannah absolutely loves playing and taking care of Maggie and it gives me that baby fix that I so badly need.

Lauren and Julia!! They were laying on the couch watching "Megamind" and apparently there was a scary part and they were comforting one another. This is how these two are all day long. Just warms my heart!
Hannah and Lauren love to match but with their age difference it is sometimes hard to find things for them that match. Trusty old Gymboree jammie's work every time. They get so excited when they get new matching Gymbo jammies and I must say they are super cute in them!!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

thank you mother nature

This weekend was absolute bliss! The weather was in the 70's on Saturday and 80's on Sunday!!!! What a wonderful, unexpected, break in mid April in Indiana! Friday night we had our new neighbors and our wonderful builder and his wife over for dinner. It was a great time and the neighbor girls spent the night which was a lot of fun. The weekend continued with meals outside, water balloon fights and breaking in the new swing set. Perfect!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

a girl turns 8

It is hard to believe that I have been a mama for 8 years now. In some ways it seems impossible and in other ways it seems like sooo... much longer than that. The long awaited day finally arrived for Lauren. She is the last one in the family to celebrate her birthday for the year and man does she hate it. We listen the entire month of March how unfair it is that her birthday is last. I always try to convince her that we save the best for last.. she never buys into it.
Her party was a success all in all. We had 10 little girls spend the night on Saturday night and I spent all day Sunday in somewhat of a coma trying to recuperate. Apparently Lauren was trying to recover as well because she took a 4 hour nap and then went back to bed at 9:30pm. And what a sweetheart she is. She thanked me two different times on Sunday for her party. I love that big heart.