People keep asking me when I am going to post pictures of my new house. I keep trying to get around to it but to be honest, what keeps me from posting them? Remembering to take pictures when its actually clean enough to take a picture. I tell myself I am going to take pictures as soon as my wonderful cleaning lady leaves every other Monday and I forget every single time. I think its because I am usually numb from excitement that the whole house is clean. Because it is the ONLY time the whole has is clean. So you are going to get pictures of my house in doses... as I can get it clean AND remember to take a picture. ;) Enjoy!
First I give you, my kitchen. This was my baby of the house. I put so much thought and time into designing this kitchen. I didn't keep track but we easily had 15 revisions of this baby. And I have to say, it was worth every single minute. I love it and it is exactly what I wanted. :)