Is it ever! I won't complain as I cannot wait for spring but I need to get on the ball. We leave for our vacation to Disney on March 5th and I keep thinking it is further away than it really is. Time to get on the ball. I have a hodge podge of pics to share.. so here they are!
One of the glorious things about having my kids 5 years apart is it keeps Lauren young at heart. She would never have these little green army men laying around if she didn't have a younger sister who begged for them at Target earlier that day. Lauren came home from school, found them and prepared for combat!
Daddy was working on Valentine's Day so it was just the girls and I. We picked Lauren up from school and we headed to Designer Desserts. YUMMY!! The girls picked out some delish treats (and so did mommy!) We came home, had our treats, watched Charlie Brown Valentine and enjoyed our LOVING evening together! Perfect!
Patiently waiting to go get Lauren from school
Lauren had her friend, Alena, spend the night a couple nights ago. These two are two peas in a pod! They have so much fun together and Alena is super sweet ta boot!
Playing "Just Dance"
Our little ham in the bathtub! She loves to take bubble baths and give herself a beard of bubbles like Santa. She always follows it up with a ho!ho!ho!
OMG!!!! So cute!!! Really makes me miss all of you that much more!