Happy Sunday ya'll! I am sittin comfy on the couch watching the Oscars... ahhh.. lovely!
So there are two things I am completely in love with right now and two things that are driving mama crazy. And since I am a half glass full kinda gal, I will share the things I love first!
First, there is this little baby!
The Miele Terrane Vacuum

How do I love thee, let me count the ways! Now I stalked this sucker on the internet for a good two years before I convinced (suckered) my hubby into letting me buy it. We have five pets so, hello, I needed an amazing vacuum. I've had my fair share of vacuums.. I've put em' all to the test. The wind tunnels, the bagless, hepafilters and even the Dyson. None of them come close to this sucker. There are many reasons why the Miele tops my list. It was my first canister and I am sold on the canisters for sure. This vacuum is extremely quiet, incredibly easy to handle, and does a fantastic job of picking up everything. I love it!
So how did I sucker my husband into letting me buy it.
Well, you all know this little girl.

Bella Louise.
Jamie wanted her so bad. I was not excited about the idea. We already had Max and 2 cats at the time. We lived in our house we just moved from which wasn't big enough as it was. We knew we were getting ready to try and sell the house. So, I made a deal. You get the dog and I get the vacuum to clean up after the dog. He went for it and the rest is history! :)
And second....
The SteamFast 3-in-1 Multi-Purpose Steamer

I can't take the credit for finding this little nugget. My sister called me to tell me about this fantastic steamer she had just bought. She even researched steamers and everything. She said it got great reviews, she ordered it and she loved it. She used it on her hard wood floors. Perfect. I logged onto Amazon, add to bag, done! It came, it sat in the box in the dining room for about two weeks. And I finally opened it. I sent my sister a test message that simply read "I am in love." I steamed my hardwoods the first time while Jamie was out running errands. He came home and said the floors looked better than the day we moved in. Yea!!! I love it because it doesn't use any chemicals, just steam. Luv!!!
So, now for the empty part of the glass. Warning: I am going to sound spoiled, self absorbed, etc.
First, the words "This item will be available to ship after....." Grrr.. You see, the irritating part is they don't tell you this while you have this purdy little item pulled up on your computer screen. You gaze upon the item, you picture it in your home, you think of all the ways you will convince your husband that you really do need the item and then you click "add to cart." And poof, there it is... "Your item will.... " And look, I can accept two weeks from now, even the same month but I have been seeing April ship dates for stuff I am looking out in February. Come on people, PULL IT TOGETHER!!!!
Second, the mud pit that is my yard. This is driving me crazy. Forget that it looks like total crap. I'm over that. These two dogs that are used to being able to go out and do their business whenever they want. Now, when they want *need* to go out, I have to get my boots on, coat, hat, get the leashes and walk the dogs to the empty lot that has grass next door. Now, if I am alone with Hannah I have the pleasure of getting her full gettup on and taking her with me. Today, Bella was apparently wining at the back door so Hannah let her out. Bella was COVERED in mud more than she wasn't. So I made a path of towels that led to my shower and bathed her. That was fun. Or not.
Yes, yes I know. Woe is me.