Remember that trip to Ft. Lauderdale that I told you about in the previous post.? Ya know, the one where I was going ALONE with my husband. No kids. 4 days of stress free relaxation. Yea, that one. It didn't happen. Instead, I never got out of bed. The morning we were supposed to be leaving I was getting to know our bathroom floor and our toilet on a more personal level. It was honestly the worst stomach virus I have ever had. Thank goodness my Mom was already here (she was staying with the kids while we went away) and Jamie went onto work. I was starting to think it was some sort of food poisoning since I didn't feel like I ever had a fever.. until this morning... when Hannah woke up puking. Bleh! Thank goodness I am at least somewhat better and can take care of her. Jamie is back today and my mom headed home but when my babies are sick I want to be the one taking care of them. I'm controlling like that.
We did however have a fantastic time at the Dells a few weeks ago. It was a much enjoyed break and wonderful to spend quality time with The Peterson's. We didn't want it to end!! We went to Noah's Ark Water Park and it was a blast. I don't have any pictures from that day because I let Thor take his camera and I haven't received the pics from him yet. When I do, I will share. It was so hot and packed but we had a blast!! We went swimming in the pool and in the lake at our condo. LOVED the condo we stayed in. It was right on Lake Delton with a beautiful view! Rhonda and I even treated ourselves to an 80 minute massage on morning. Bliss!
One of the many wonderful things I love about our good friends, The Peterson's, are the special friendships our kids share. Andrew and Lauren are 10 weeks apart. Rhonda and I actually had Lauren and Andrew in the same hospital, in the same exact room (in a busy hospital with roughly 20 labor and delivery rooms). Lauren and Andrew have played together and been the best of friends literally since the day they were born. :) We always say what kindred souls Lauren and Andrew are. Free spirits, artsy.. when the two of them get together they are in their own world. Fast forward 5 year later and there is Hannah and Jack. The two of them are 3 months apart. What's crazier is in the 5 years between them Rhonda and I were both doing fertility treatments, getting pregnant, having miscarriages and still ended up having our kids together both times. It has been such a joy to now watch Hannah and Jack form their special friendship the same way Andrew and Lauren did.
Jack and Hannah taking a bubble bath

My cutie BFF
Hannah, Rhonda and Jack feeding the ducks
Lauren and Daddy in the lake
Daddy flipping off the dock